Insulated gate bipolar transistors or IGBTs are a form of a discrete semiconductor device that is generally used for power applications such as inverters, converters and power supplies. IGBT transistors have the advantage of combining many of the characteristics of MOSFETs and bipolar transistors, giving the high voltage and current handling capabilities of bipolar transistors with the high-speed switching and low gate current performance of power MOSFETs.
- 600V Field Stop Trench Technology
- High-Speed Switching
- Low Conduction Loss
- Positive Temperature Coefficient
- Easy Parallel Operation
- RoHS Compliant
- JEDEC Qualification
Model | TGAN60N60F2DS |
Brand | TRINO |
Type of IGBT Channel | N-Channel |
Maximum Power Dissipation @25°C | 347W |
Max. Collector-Emitter Voltage | 600V |
Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage | 1.8V DC |
Max. Gate Emitter Voltage | 20V DC |
Max. Collector Current | 120A |
Max. Junction Temperature | 150°C |
Rise Time | 125ns |
Max. Collector Capacity | 170pF |
Package | TO-3PN |
Country of Origin | China |