These monolithic integrated circuits with low-noise JFET input operational amplifiers combine two cutting-edge analogue technologies. Each internally corrected operational amplifier features a well-matched high-voltage JFET input device for low input offset voltage. BEFIT technology's low supply, input offset, and bias currents make wide bandwidths and quick slew rates possible. The devices also have minimal harmonic distortion and noise, making them perfect for high-fidelity audio amplifier applications.
Low Supply Current: 1.4 mA per Amp
Low Harmonic Distortion: 0.01% Typ
Low Input Bias and Offset Currents
High Input Impedance: 1012ΩTyp
Wide Gain Bandwidth: 4.0 MHz Typ
Its low supply current is 1.4mA
Max Storage & Operating temperature should be: -65 to +150 Centigrade
Model | TL074CN |
Type | IC |
Package | 14DIP |
Supply Current | 1.4mA |
Low harmonic Distortion | 0.01% |
Supply Voltage | 18V |
Total power dissipation | 680mW |
Operating and Storage Temperature Range | -55°C TO 150°C |
Country of Origin | China |