It is TIP132 Bipolar Single Transistor‚ BJT Stands for the bipolar junction transistor, its mostly used in switching applications like general switching‚ SMPS‚ UPS‚ snubber circuits ‚ Clamp‚ Inverter, etc. Its voltage is 100V. When using the TIP132 transistor, it is important to consider appropriate heat sinking to prevent overheating. Additionally, the high gain of the Darlington configuration allows for high current amplification and efficient switching, making it suitable for various applications such as motor control, solenoid driving, and power regulation.
- Its current is 8A
- Its power is 70W
- Small in size
- Highly Reliable
- Highly Efficient
Specifications | |
Part Number | TIP132 |
Operating Temperature Range | 150 Degree centigrade |
Mounting Style | Through Hole |
Power Dissipation | 70W |
Current | 8A |
Voltage | 100V |
Type | Bipolar Single Transistor |
Package | TO-220 |