The TL2843 family of control integrated circuits provides the functionality required to construct off-line or DC-to-DC fixed-frequency current-mode control schemes with the least number of external components. An undervoltage lockout (UVLO) with a start-up current of less than 1 mA and a precision reference trimmed for accuracy at the error amplifier input are a couple of the internally built circuits.Other internal circuits include logic to ensure latched operation, a pulse-width modulation (PWM) comparator (that also provides current-limit control), and a totem-pole output stage designed to source or sink high-peak current. The output stage, suitable for driving N-channel MOSFETs, is low when it is in the off state.
- Optimized for Off-Line and DC-to-DC Converters
- Low Start-Up Current (< 1 mA)
- Automatic Feed-forward compensation
- Pulse-by-Pulse Current Limiting
- Enhanced Load-Response Characteristics
- Undervoltage Lockout With Hysteresis
- Double-Pulse Suppression
- High-Current Totem-Pole Output
- Internally Trimmed Bandgap Reference
- 500-kHz Operation
- Error Amplifier With Low Output Resistance
- Switching regulators of any polarity
- Transformer-coupled DC/DC convertors
For More Info. Refer: Datasheet
Model |
TL2843 |
Brand | Texas Instruments |
Type | PWM Controller |
Package Style | SMD |
Supply Voltage | 30V |
Supply Current | 30mA |
Frequency (Max) | 500kHz |
Operating free-air Temperature Range |
–40°C ~ 85°C |
Storage Temperature Range | –65°C ~ 150°C |
Country of Origin | China |