An NPN transistor is a type of bipolar junction transistor (BJT) that consists of three layers of semiconductor material. The letters N, P, and N represent the doping types of the three layers, which are typically made of silicon. The layers are sandwiched together to form two pn junctions. NPN transistors are widely used in electronic circuits for a variety of applications, including amplification, switching, signal processing, and digital logic. They are commonly used in audio amplifiers, radio frequency (RF) circuits, digital logic gates, motor control circuits, and many other electronic devices.
- It has three terminal
- Its mounting style is through hole
- Its voltage is 3.3V
- Its current is 1A
Specifications | |
Part Number | TCNL100 |
Mounting Style | Through hole |
Current | 1A |
Voltage | 3.3V |
Type | NPN Transistor |