R30120G2 This device is designed to be used as a boost or free-wheeling diode in power supply and other power-switching applications. The short ta phase and low IRR minimize loss in switching transistors. The smooth recovery reduces ringing and increases the range of operating conditions for the diode without the need for extra snubber circuitry. For the most effective and affordable design with the highest power density, think about combining the STEALTHTM diode with an SMPS IGBT.
Hard Switched PFC Boost Diode, UPS Free Wheeling Diode, Motor Drive FWD, SMPS FWD, Snubber Diode, Switch Mode Power Supplies.
Maximum forward voltage is 3.3V
Its maximum reverse voltage is 1200V
Highly reliable
Avalanche energy rated
Recovery time 269nS
Model | R30120G2 |
Type | MOSFET |
Package | JEDEC STYLE 2 LEAD TO-247 |
DC blocking voltage | 1200V |
Reverse voltage | 1200v |
Soldering temperature | 300°C |
Total power dissipation | 166W |
Operating and Storage Temperature Range | -55°C TO 175°C |
Country of Origin | China |