IGBT stands for insulated-gate bipolar transistor. It is a power transistor that combines an input MOS and an output bipolar transistor. The MC33153 is specifically designed as an IGBT driver for high power applications that include ac induction motor control, brushless dc motor control and uninterruptable power supplies. Although it was created to drive discrete and module IGBTs, this device also provides an affordable way to drive power MOSFETs and bipolar transistors. Desaturation or overcurrent sensing as well as under-voltage detection are options for device protection features. These devices are available in dual−in−line.
- High Current Output Stage: 1.0 A Source/2.0 A Sink
- Protection Circuits for Both Conventional and Sense IGBTs
- Programmable Fault Blanking Time
- Protection against Overcurrent and Short Circuit
- Under-voltage Lockout Optimized for IGBT’s
- Negative Gate Drive Capability
- Cost Effectively Drives Power MOSFETs and Bipolar Transistor.
Parameter |
Values |
Model |
MC33153 |
Supply Voltage |
11 V - 20 V |
Logic Voltage |
VIL=1.2 V VIH=3.2 V |
Gate Type |
IGBT, N-Channel MOSFET |
Operating Temperature |
-40 °C - 150 °C |
Rise / Fall Time |
17 ns |
Package |
Country of Origin | China |