The HCF4541B is a single-chip integrated circuit manufactured using Metal Oxide Semiconductor technology and is offered in DIP. This component includes a 16-stage binary counter, an oscillator that can be controlled by two external resistors and a capacitor, an output control logic, and an automatic power-on reset circuit. The counter operates on positive-edge clock transitions and can be reset using the MASTER RESET input. The output of this timer is sourced from either the Q or Q output of the 8th, 13th, or 16th counter stage.
- 16-stage binary counter.
- Output resistance is low and symmetrical, typically around 100Ω at VDD = 15V.
- Oscillator frequency range spans from DC to 100KHz.
- Auto or master reset function disables the oscillator during reset to minimize power dissipation
- Operates effectively even with very slow clock rise and fall times.
- Incorporates a built-in low-power RC oscillator.