FB3207Z is a power MOSFET; It's used for power switching applications and to switch the power in a circuit to protect the circuit from high power. Its efficiency is too high, which is why it's used in SMPS( switch mode power supply) for rectification. It's used as a complex switching element, and it's mostly known for its fast switching in UPS and inverter.
- Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dv/dt Ruggedness
- Improved dv/dt Capability
- Fast Switching Speed
- 100% Avalanche Tested
- It has a small size
- It's not too costly
- Enhanced body diode dV/dt and dI/dt Capability
- Highly efficient
Model FB3207Z Type MOSFET Package TO-220AB Brand International Rectifier Voltage 75V Drain current 170A Total power dissipation 300W
Lead soldering temperature 300 Degree centigrade Operating and Storage Temperature Range -55°C TO 150°C Country of Origin China