CD4049BE is a hex buffer converter its a sixteen pin IC which is used as a converter, The CD4049UB and CD4050B devices, which are respectively inverting and non-inverting hex buffers, have logic-level conversion with a single supply voltage (VCC). When these devices are utilized for logic-level conversions, the input-signal high level (VIH) can be higher than the VCC supply voltage. These gadgets can directly drive two DTL/TTL loads and are designed to be used as CMOS to DTL/TTL converters. IOL is 3.3mA, VOL is 0.4V, and VCC is 5V.
Its operating Voltage is 5 V
It has total 16 pins
Heat sink current for driving 2TTL Loads
High-To-Low Level Logic Conversion
Maximum Input Current of 1μA at 18V Over Full Package Temperature Range; 100nA at 18V and 25oC
Model | HCF4049BE |
Type | Converter IC |
Package | 16DIP |
VCC | 5V |
Supply Voltage | 0.5V-20V |
Max Lead temperature | 265 Degree Centigrade |
Propagation delay time | 120nS |
Operating and Storage Temperature Range | -55°C TO 125°C |