47N60CFD is a power transistor is a three terminal device which is composed of semiconductor materials. Its feature emitter, base and collector terminals. This device is particularly designed to control high current – voltage rating. The main feature of this device is when voltage or current is applied to one pair of terminals, it controls the voltage or current at the other pair of terminal. It has Extremely low reverse recovery charge, ultra low gate charge, high peak current capability, periodic avalanche rating, JEDEC1 qualification for industrial grade applications, P b-free lead plating, and RoHS compliance are all features of a new, revolutionary high voltage technology.
Its intrinsic fast recovery diode
It has designed by using high revolutionary technology
- Extreme dv/dT
- It has high peak current capability
Periodic avalanche rated
- It has ultra low gate charge
Model | 47N60CFD |
Type | Power transistor |
Package | TO-247 |
Brand | Infineon |
Power dissipation | 417W |
Gate threshold voltage | 5V |
Output capacitance | 2200pF |
Operating and Storage Temperature Range | -55°C TO 175°C |
Country of Origin | China |