In today’s fast-moving world, most of the accidents and casualties happen due to drinking and driving. There are several laws that are aimed at reducing such cases as these, but they go unheeded by people. In spite of the fact that helmets/safety gear are effectively accessible all over the place, individuals aren't wearing them which leads to injuries and accidents. There are 2 main objectives of this project
- To make sure the rider isn’t drunk using ALCOHOL DETECTION.
The rider won’t be able to ride the bike if he is drunk. Likewise in the event of mishaps the FALL DETECTION highlight is additionally added which can be additionally told to make the system more productive, a SOLAR PANEL is installed on the helmet which acts as a free source of power.
Arduino UNO and NodeMCU
Essential microcontroller to be utilized in the undertaking for combination with various sensors like Sound sensor, Alcohol sensor, MPU-6050 and other modules. -
Solar Panel
This mini solar panel module has valuations of 0.6W 6V which can subsequently give up to a maximum current of 100mA (at full force of sunlight) which is adequate to control the TP4056 LiPo charger module.
DC-DC Boost Converter (XL6009)
Input Voltage range:3V - 32V, Output Voltage range: 5V – 32V. It is used to step up 3.7V to 5V DC.
LiPo Battery 18650
It is non- isolated step-up voltage converter featuring adjustable output voltage and high efficiency. Model No. 18650, Capacity: 1200maH, Output: 3.7V. It is a rechargeable battery which can be charged using suitable modules (TP4056) or circuitry.
TP4056 Lipo Battery Charger
This TP4056 1A Li-Ion Battery Charging Board Micro USB with Current Protection is a tiny module, perfect for charging single cell 3.7V 1 Ah or higher lithium ion (Li-Ion) cells such as 16550s, that don't have their own security circuit. Based on the TP4056 charger IC and DW01 battery protection IC this module will offer 1A charge current then, at that point, cut off when wrapped up.
Flex Sensor
A flex sensor or bend sensor estimates how much redirection or bending. It is a variable resistor whose opposition increments as the body of the part twists. By joining the flex sensor with a static resistor to make a voltage divider, a variable voltage can be delivered that is perused by the microcontroller's analog-to-digital converter.
MPU 6050 is a 6 DOF (Degrees of Freedom) or a six axis IMU sensor, which means that it gives six values as output. Three values from the accelerometer and three from the gyroscope. Both the accelerometer and the gyroscope are inserted inside a solitary chip.
This chip uses I2C (Inter Integrated Circuit) protocol for communication. The principle on which accelerometer works is piezoelectric effect. And the Gyroscopes work on the principle of Coriolis acceleration.
Ultrasonic Sensor
They are utilized for distance estimating applications. These contraptions routinely send a short explosion of ultrasonic sound to an objective, which mirrors the sound back to the sensor. The framework then estimates the ideal opportunity for the reverberation to get back to the sensor and registers the distance to the objective utilizing the speed of sound inside the medium.
Sound Sensor
This sensor is utilized to distinguish the force or loudness of a sound. It comprises of a receiver/ microphone at the info and a computerized pin at the result which goes 'HIGH' at whatever point the input sound crosses a certain amplitude.
Alcohol Sensor (MQ3)
It distinguishes the mindfulness of alcohol gas in the air and an analog voltage is given at the result which is straightforwardly corresponding to the concentration level of vaporous alcohol in the air. It consists of both digital and analog output pins along with a trim pot to set a desired threshold level.
LEDs, Resistors, Wires
LEDs acts as alert system; Resistors are used for current limiting and voltage division purpose and the wires for electrical connections and signal transmission.
Copper Clad Board
By utilizing a copper clad board, the Intelligent Safety Gear can accomplish an expert level plan with improved sturdiness, dependability, and simplicity of get together, making the integration of LEDs, resistors, wires, and sensors seamless and effective.
The circuitry follows two stages of safety before the bike start can be enabled. First stage is the HELMET WEAR DETECTION which is ensured by a FLEX SENSOR. An ALCOHOL LEVEL DETECTOR (using MQ2 sensor) is also present in the circuitry which is the second stage of safety before the bike can start. If either of the stages of safety fails, the bike system remains disabled. During the trip the person can switch between music and receive calls which is implemented using an ACCELEROMETER and GYROMETER (MPU6050) mounted over the helmet. Also, ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS SYSTEM is installed on the helmet to ensure that the user is aware of the vehicles in its proximity that are trying to overtake. The FALL DETECTION SYSTEM notifies about the fall during the accident which is also done with the help of MPU6050. The power efficiency of the system is taken care by the SOLAR PANEL which continuously charges up the rechargeable LiPo battery which further power the rest of the circuit. Hence the system works efficiently in the long run.
NodeMCU based Circuit
The NodeMCU has been interacted with an Accelerometer-Gyrator module (MPU6050). It is likewise being utilized in the circuit to interface with a neighbourhood organization and send desired information to a cloud server.
The MPU6050 has been utilized in the circuit for two significant purposes:
- For gesture detection
- For fall detection
At the point when the NodeMCU is fuelled utilizing the solar panel-based power supply, it at first checks for an access point to interface with. The SSID and password of this access point are predefined in the unloaded code. At the point when the NodeMCU interfaces with the local network it pushes forward and adjusts the MPU6050.
The 3 qualities from the accelerometer (acceleration in x,y and z directions) are scaled by a factor of 10 for simple estimation. Utilizing these 3 qualities, the microcontroller computes the acceleration angles in x and y directions given by the following formulae.
Let Ax = absolute acceleration in the X direction,
Ay = absolute acceleration in the Y direction
and Az = absolute acceleration in the Z direction.
Also, let AccangleX be the acceleration angle in the X direction and AccangleY be the acceleration angle in the Y direction.
AccangleX = arctan (Ay/ (Ax^2 + Az^2) ^1/2) *180/π
AccangleY = arctan (-Ax/ (Ay^2 + Az^2) ^1/2) *180/π
Arduino Based Circuit
In Smart Helmet, the Arduino has been communicated with different sensors. They are: Flex Sensor, Alcohol sensor, Sound sensor and Ultrasonic Sensor.
- At first, when the Arduino is controlled utilizing the solar panel charger-based power supply, it checks in the event that the client has worn the helmet or not by actually taking a look at the flex sensor. When the flex sensor bends (User wears the helmet) the analog reading of the simple perusing of similar crosses a certain foreordained edge, the Arduino begins to check if the clint/rider is drunk or not utilizing the alcohol sensor (MQ3).
Only when both conditions (Helmet worn and Not Drunk) are fulfilled, the microcontroller feels free to permit the client to ride his/her Bike.
- Whenever the client is riding and there is a vehicle moving toward him/her from behind, the ultrasonic sensor recognizes the presence of the vehicle and prompts the Arduino to check on the off chance that that vehicle is blowing its horn or not. The sound sensor then checks for the sound from the vehicle horn and cautions the client at whatever point the sound power passes a specific preset boundary. As per the designed system the alert occurs as an interrupt from the Arduino to the NodeMCU. An Interrupt service routine (ISR) written for the NodeMCU alerts the user by switching on the yellow light in the circuit.
- At first, when the Arduino is controlled utilizing the solar panel charger-based power supply, it checks in the event that the client has worn the helmet or not by actually taking a look at the flex sensor. When the flex sensor bends (User wears the helmet) the analog reading of the simple perusing of similar crosses a certain foreordained edge, the Arduino begins to check if the clint/rider is drunk or not utilizing the alcohol sensor (MQ3).
Gesture Detection
Whenever the acceleration magnitude ((ax^2+ay^2+az^2)^1/2) exceeds 2 units and is less than 8 units, the NodeMCU checks for the gesture. Depending on the values of the acceleration angles, it tends not entirely set in stone in what course the client's head is moving (Left, Right or Forward). When the motion is remembered, it is shipped off a Google Firebase cloud server and the cycle proceeds.
Fall Detection
Along with the gesture detection, there is likewise one more component for distinguishing regardless of whether the client has fallen. If the acceleration magnitude ((ax^2+ay^2+az^2) ^1/2) exceeds 12 units, i.e., if there is a sudden jerk, the arduino goes into a loop to check for fall.
Fall detection is a 3-trigger based framework:
- Trigger 1 checks assuming the speed increase extent has crossed 12 units. On the off chance that it has, Trigger 1 is deactivated and Trigger 2 is actuated.
- Trigger 2 checks if the angle change is is more noteworthy than 80 degrees. (Angle change is given by (Gx^2 + Gy^2 + Gz^2) ^1/2 where Gx, Gy and Gz are outputs from the gyroscope). If it is, Trigger 2 is deactivated and Trigger 3 is activated.
- Trigger 3 checks if, after the fall, the point has changed or not. On the off chance that it hasn't, fall is distinguished. If the angle has changed by more than 10 degrees, Trigger 3 is deactivated and fall isn't identified.
Power supply based on SOLAR PANELS
In order to increase the efficiency of our embedded system, concept of free power supply is applied in the form of Solar Panel (Solar Energy). The Smart Helmet It is controlled by LiPo batteries which thus is persistently charged by the Solar panel-based charger through a LiPo charger module. Whenever there is an accessibility of sunlight the Solar panel-based charger energizes the LiPo battery until it energizes to a full limit. The given circuit chart makes sense of the working of the power supply.
The Solar Panel is connected to the LiPo charger module which empowers the charger and shows the charging progress of the battery with the assistance of locally available LED. The red LED shows charging in the works while the green LED shows that the charging has wrapped up. In absence of sunlight the battery can also be charged by the micro-USB port on the charger module. The result of the LiPo charger module is straightforwardly associated with the 3.7V LiPo battery. Since the circuit requires 5V working voltage, the 3.7V result of the battery should be moved forward to 5V. For this purpose, DC-DC boost converter the output of the converter is directly connected with the power supply contributions of different pieces of the circuit.
Circuit Diagram

PCB Design
Software used in PBD designing is KiCad . 2 PCBs are designed for this:

▪ The flex sensor and the alcoholic sensor were carried out and tried effectively. At whatever point both conditions (Helmet worn and not drunk) were fulfilled, the blue light was turned on.
▪ The sound sensor alongside the ultrasonic sensor were tried by hindering the ultrasonic sensor's view and by making a commotion over a certain edge level of force. Accordingly, the client was informed with an alarm - The yellow light on the PCB was turned on.
▪ The fall location was tried by physically dropping the PCBs. The vast majority of the tests were effective. A red light was made to turn on at whatever point fall was detected.